
Associate Vice 总统 of 制度的有效性
(251) 460-7475
Dr. Mary Angela 科尔曼, Associate Vice 总统 of 制度的有效性, has been with the 十大彩票网投平台 since November 2013. 他是威尔明顿人, DE, she has held positions as a non-profit administrator, instructor of English, professor of educational research, and higher education administrator (点击此处查看简历). 她的学位是B.A. in English from James Madison 大学, an M.A. 创意写作 从天普大学毕业,并获得博士学位.D. in Educational 研究 and Evaluation from Virginia 联邦大学. Her research interests include the development and validation of assessments and identifying factors and best practices contributing to a healthy culture of assessment and continuous improvement in the university.

Director of 制度的有效性
(251) 460-6340

Dr. Kathy 弗里德里希 joined the USA family as the Director of 制度的有效性 2024年1月. Dr. 弗里德里希 has held similar positions at Tennessee Technological 大学, Trinity 大学 in San Antonio, the Art Institute of Houston, and the 德克萨斯州的大陆学院. Dr. 弗里德里希 received her doctoral degree in Educational 德州心理学&M 大学 with a specialization in 研究, Measurement 和统计数据. She also holds a masters degree in Educational Psychology and bachelors 数学与心理学. An army brat who grew up traveling the world, Dr. 弗里德里希 is partial to the gulf coast, an area her family has called home for generations. 不工作的时候,Dr. 弗里德里希 spends her time crocheting, reading and gardening.

(251) 460-1918


Dana Abrams, MPA
(251) 460-7470

Dana Abrams is originally from Calvert, Alabama and joined the Office of Institutional 2022年秋季生效. Dana received her bachelors in Political Science with a minor in English and Masters of Public Administration at the 大学 of 南阿拉巴马州. Her research thesis work focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion 跨大学的承诺. She has formally served as an intern for the Office of Development and a graduate research assistant for the Department of Political Science 和刑事司法. She is currently an instructor for the PSC 130 course/Start 南项目.

(251) 460-6407

艾莉森·盖伊·伍德 is originally from Pennsylvania and graduated from Temple 大学 获得历史学士学位.  She began her career as a Museum Educator and Social Studies Teacher in Virginia before transitioning to university administrative support at Yale 大学.  After moving to Mobile in 2017, Alison worked in 南's Department of 历史和学术指导 & Transfer Services office before joining the Institutional 有效的团队.  Alison loves exploring the nature trails and beaches along the Gulf Coast and is an avid women's soccer fan who has attended three World Cups.